
Continuous Improvement

Continuous Improvement

They say that a building is only as strong as the foundation it sits on.

I am a believer in continuous improvement and pushing yourself to learn new things. Areas of interest and opportunities are jotted down on a piece of paper, and then turned into action plans. Sometime it's improving an existing skill, and other times it's learning something completely new. Below are some of the things I've been working on in 2017 - 2018.

Motion Graphics

What's cooler than creating a static image? You guessed it — something that you can add motion too! I have always had a strong appreciation for motion graphics, and often wondered how it all worked. So why not learn? Below are projects I worked on that involved motion graphics.

Nationwide’s manifesto video:


Ohio State Football Stadium LED Boards:


Nationwide Blvd. LED Board:


Nationwide icon animation:

Photo Retouching

While using imagery in layout, I've often found myself thinking "if only this photo was..."

So I don't have to compromise quality, I've decided to make photo retouching a focus for 2017 and 2018. Below are some images I've had to retouch for various projects over the last year. Can you spot the differences?



Remove chair and adjusted background accordingly.





Flipped image, removed wedding ring, and extended body & dog.




Removed bubble from boys face, opened eyes.